Welcome to Liber A health passport for the new normal
About Liber

At Liber we believe good things happen when people get together. Live events & business gatherings are a key benchmark in our return to normal.
From the largest music venue to a series of select high-value networking events – the Liber health platform and mobile application is powering events be they virtual, hybrid or live. Making sure you can meet sooner while keeping safety front of mind.
How? By bringing together rapid testing, self-certification, vaccination screening, and contact tracing technology for shared experiences.
We have created a platform that allows you, and the people or technology you connect with, to help know you are in a COVID-free space, making experiences safe for all to enjoy.
By downloading our App before an event and remaining free from contact with health risks, you can gain entry to a Liber-supported event, be it sporting, culture or business.
Latest Insights
Technology's role in fighting Covid-19
Dr James Burt of Accord Healthcare explains how smart technology such as the Liber App can help counter Covid-19
Liber App Development & Outlook
Danny Bull, CI Group's Head of Digital Transformation, takes us through the origins and future outlook of the Liber App, providing Test, Track & Trace possibilities for events & venues.
Highlights of Salon Privé @ Blenheim Palace
Guests and exhibitors pay testament to the safety protocols put in place, a key concern in getting the UK events & hospitality industries moving again during the coronavirus pandemic.

How we can help

Step 1 – Social Easing
As the peak of coronavirus becomes a painful but distant memory, our aim is to help kick-start our economy – ensuring safe, informed events that don’t compromise the R number and continue to protect the NHS & our vital key workers.
Using test and trace technology we help your event team manage the changing government & health guidelines to safely host a business or social gathering with minimal threat from the virus, collaborating with your attendees as active users.

Step 2 – Social Acceptance
As guidelines become clearer on the ability to meet more freely, we’ll accommodate the latest best practice for your events to get back to business, firing up the engines of the economy.
What is an essential international meeting? What is the impact in your city of more relaxed Covid-19 guidelines? Working closely with industry leaders and monitoring government policy, Liber’s platform will help facilitate your event experiences.

Step 3 – A New Normal
Soon a new normal will return for all. A vibrant economy is key and finding the best, most proven tools to power
your workforce or client base will be key.
Understanding meetings & events protocols, the latest trends in safe management, entertainment or gatherings, Liber will help
your teams prosper. Our business solution integrates into the latest industry services, supporting national and regional gateways to secure shared experiences.